[SIGCIS-Members] Book now for the Archives of IT Forum on the Histories of the Internet: 9 January 2024, London and Online

Tom Abram research at archivesit.org.uk
Tue Aug 29 01:55:04 PDT 2023

Tickets, details, program and speakers at
Archives of IT Forum on the Histories of the Internet<https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/archives-of-it-forum-on-the-histories-of-the-internet-tickets-691738758247>
A one-day academic-practitioner forum fostering multidisciplinary perspectives on the history of computers and telecommunications
The Forum will

  *   Illuminate how people, policies, initiatives and other social factors have shaped and are shaping technological developments
  *   Feature talks and panels identifying a variety of competing perspectives on innovations or other key events in the history of information and communication technologies

Places are strictly limited to enable and promote discussion and debate, so book now to

  *   Join us and colleagues in person for a full day at the Hall of The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists for the panels, with networking over lunch and post event drinks
  *   Or secure one of the online slots to participate from wherever you are, at your convenience

Enquiries to forum at archivesit.org.uk
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