[SIGCIS-Members] Call for abstracts: Data (Re)Makes the World (due Nov 25th)

Aaron Mendon-Plasek alp2209 at columbia.edu
Thu Oct 27 07:09:13 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues and friends,

Please see the call for papers below for Data (Re)Makes the World
<https://law.yale.edu/isp/events/data-remakes-world>, a conference  hosted
by the Information Society Project at Yale Law School on March 31st & April
1st, 2023.

Abstract submissions are due by November 25th.  Early career scholars are
strongly encouraged to submit work.

Please reach out to me at aaron.mendon-plasek at yale.edu if you have



*Data (Re)makes the World*

*March 31 & April 1, 2023*

*Information Society Project, Yale Law School*


We invite paper submissions for Data (Re)makes the World, a conference
hosted by the Information Society Project <https://law.yale.edu/isp> to be
held at Yale Law School in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 31-April 1,

Artificial intelligence, data science, and algorithmic approaches to
decision making often assume we can better describe and predict social
phenomena through the collection, imputation, and manipulation of data. But
the problems and issues of how to measure, how to count, and what counts in
counting, have a long history that predates the digital revolution.
social life shapes not only what we know but *how* we know. It
simultaneously describes, imposes perspectives, and presupposes values.

New forms of quantification and data analysis displace earlier ways of
understanding. They may transform and threaten existing practices and
professions, and, in the process, create social conflict and breed
distrust. Using machine learning systems to augment or replace human
decision making may conflict with existing social norms, political values,
and legal interpretations. The rise and spread of machine learning systems,
and of algorithmic decision making more generally, have spurred calls for
legal and social reform. But these technologies may also change people’s
existing values, lead to new political and cultural norms, and novel
conceptions (and measures) of community, justice, and equality.

We seek paper submissions that investigate the ways our quantification
practices are informing and reshaping our values and our
communities—including the effects on democratic representation, civil
rights, civil liberties, civil and criminal justice, and the promotion of
sound public policy. We are particularly interested in papers discussing
artificial intelligence, machine learning, and algorithmic decision-making,
but also welcome papers that explore quantification practices across
different times, places, and cultures.

We hope to bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars,
technologists, and policy activists working in and outside of the academy,
including but not limited to those working in and across the disciplines of
history, public health, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, computer
science, statistics, mathematics, economics, cultural studies, medicine,
and law.

We will cover travel, accommodation and reasonable travel expenses (as per Yale
University policies and procedures
for participants invited to present papers at the conference.

*Please* *submit your 400-word abstract in a PDF file that also includes
your name and email by 11:59 pm EST on November 25, 2022, via this **submission
form* <https://forms.gle/gmoEZDkRF8BWdpCo6>*. *Authors whose papers are
accepted will be expected to provide full paper drafts two weeks prior to
the conference, which will be circulated to all conference participants.
Please send your questions to aaron.mendon-plasek at yale.edu. We look forward
to reading your submissions!
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