[SIGCIS-Members] ACM conference program query - thanks to all

Janet Abbate abbate at vt.edu
Tue Nov 15 11:39:36 PST 2022

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to my query about ACM conference programs—I’m very appreciative!  I haven’t been able to locate this particular conference program yet, although some others are archived at CBI. 

In case anyone's curious, I was trying to track down (or at least find a full citation for) the speech by Edward F. Moore referenced in a letter to the editor of CACM (5:1 1962, p6) by Larry E. Travis of SDC: 

"Serious injustice will be done if E. F. Moore's attack on artificial intelligence research, in his speech "Is Artificial Intelligence Just Around the Corner?" at the 1961 National ACM Conference, remains publicly unanswered. In this speech he impugned the integrity, intelligence, and competence of scientists working on problems of artificial intelligence, referring to them as pseudo-scientists and classing them with alchemists.” 

It sounds like quite a colorful speech, and I would have liked to see the context in which it was given.


Dr. Janet Abbate
Professor, Science, Technology and Society
Virginia Tech
Co-director, VT National Capital Region STS program

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