[SIGCIS-Members] SIGCIS 2022 | carbon computing
Theodora J Dryer
theodora.dryer at nyu.edu
Fri May 27 11:01:22 PDT 2022
Dear SIGCIS community,
This is a late-stage call for SIGCIS participants. Would anybody like to be
part of a roundtable with me on ‘computing beyond carbon’ at the SIGCIS
meeting? Initial description below.
I am excited to get to re/connect with folks who are working on *any*
dimension or interpretation of this general topic. If you are interested in
this topic, please do reach out. Some of my own research is still in the
seedling stage so no need to have a perfect thesis (if those exist).
Thank you,
computing beyond carbon
A roundtable discussing the relationships between computing, computational
resource control, and carbon power. Rooted in over two centuries of
technologies built for carbon control, today’s Net Zero campaigns represent
a dangerous preoccupation with data manipulations, carbon trading, and
carbon control technologies that can distract from justice-centered climate
futures. Digital carbon trading is a growing enterprise, which functions at
the nexus of digital waste (including carbon emissions) and financial
This roundtable includes participants working on the relationships between
carbon and computing across historical and geographical contexts.
Theodora Dryer, PhD
Water Justice + Technology
<https://ainowinstitute.org/water-justice-technology.html> @AI Now
Institute and @CIEJ
Big Data Stream <https://logicmag.io/kids/big-data-stream/>@Logic Magazine
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