[SIGCIS-Members] Venues for technical history?

Cliff Jones cliff.jones at newcastle.ac.uk
Tue Feb 1 12:49:25 PST 2022


“Formal Aspects of Computing” is not a history journal but it has had some interesting excursions into history. We’ve tried to get good technical obituaries on key figures (Apt’s on Dijkstra is excellent Vol 14, pp 92-98 as is the one on Manna Vol 31, No 6)

We also “commissioned” a series of papers (some of which actually arrived ;-) and are published in Vol 31, No 6 - see:

PLs are not FM as such but I’d be happy to look at any papers you might want to publish

Cliff Jones

On 2022-02-01, at 20:36, Jeffrey Starr <jwstarr81 at gmail.com<mailto:jwstarr81 at gmail.com>> wrote:

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I'm interested in writing on technical computer science history topics (e.g. programming language history) and I'm trying to identify venues for short-form/article length publications. The focus would be on the engineering decisions and impact, rather than the social or business impact, which I understand is "out of scope" for many of the typical historical journals.

Does this community have any recommendations?

Jeffrey Starr

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