[SIGCIS-Members] ACM FAccT 2022 Financial Support & Travel Grant Deadline (April 13th) Coming Up!

FAccT Publicity publicity at facctconference.org
Mon Apr 11 22:06:39 PDT 2022

Dear all, 

This is a reminder for ACM FAccT 2022 Financial Support deadline, coming
up on April 13th. Please check the website for the submission form and
to learn more [1].

Those who lack the means to pay for registration or who cannot afford to
travel to attend the conference may apply for financial support, which
consists of (1) a registration fee waiver and/or (2) a travel grant.

We anticipate high demand for travel grants, and our priority is to
ensure that financial need does not prevent people from attending and
participating in the conference. Please apply for funding only if you do
not have other resources that you can use to support your participation,
and please try to source funding from within your own institution if
possible. Please also apply for the minimum amount needed to attend the
conference (considering travel, hotel, and subsistence costs).

Travel grants are offered in two modalities. In modality A. Expense
reimbursement paid after the conference, you will be provided a link to
an ACM page for uploading your receipts for flight, hotel, ground
transportation, meals, and you will be reimbursed for eligible expenses.
In modality B. Lump sum paid after the conference, you will be provided
a link to an ACM page for indicating your mailing address, permanent
address, and national tax ID number; you will be transferred the
requested amount and this will be considered as taxable income that you
will need to report to your national tax authority. Modality A is
strongly preferred by the Organising Committee.

Applicants for financial support must justify their need in their
application. Grants will be allocated based on consideration of the
applicant's contribution to the conference (member of organising
committee, presenter in CRAFT or Tutorial session, accepted paper
presenter, volunteer), as well as on the importance of growing the FAccT
community, and increasing access for populations historically
underrepresented in the conference.

We can give out a strictly limited number of registration fee waivers.
These will be allocated based on the same criteria, but we particularly
wish to use fee waivers to encourage participation by members of civil
society organisations that would not otherwise be able to attend.

Please submit applications as soon as possible and reach out to FAccT
contact for any questions.  


Deb Raji & Annette Zimmermann
ACM FAccT Publicity Co-Chairs 

[1] https://facctconference.org/2022/scholarships.html
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