[SIGCIS-Members] Tips on 18th - 20th c. nautical and astronomical tables

Kidwell, Peggy kidwellp at si.edu
Mon Apr 4 04:38:13 PDT 2022

Bernard -

This may be far off your topic, but you could take a look at the website of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History at the web object group Mathematical Charts and Tables | National Museum of American History (si.edu)<https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object-groups/mathematical-charts-and-tables>. The section on "resources" might lead you to something useful, although the emphasis is on mathematical, not marine charts or astronomical tables.

Best -

Peggy Kidwell

From: Members <members-bounces at lists.sigcis.org> on behalf of Bernard Geoghegan <bernardgeoghegan2010 at u.northwestern.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 4, 2022 7:29 AM
To: members at SIGCIS.org <members at sigcis.org>
Subject: [SIGCIS-Members] Tips on 18th - 20th c. nautical and astronomical tables

External Email - Exercise Caution

Dear Colleagues,

Can anyone recommend key works on 18th-20th c. astronomical, nautical, and maritime charts, esp as a pre-history to modern information processing? I’m trying to write a history of how 19th c. visuality was pieced together at sea, from a patchwork of observations, charts, tables, astrolabes, etc, in which a regime of calculations and information processing figure centrally in making visual sense of the surrounding world.

To give a very general idea of where I’m coming from, I’ve found some very useful work in the Campbell-Kelly et al volume on “The History of Mathematical Tables,” and Mindell’s work on naval systems of artillery control has also been an inspiring point of reference.

Thank for your thoughts on further sources!

Warmly, Bernard
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