[SIGCIS-Members] #SIGCIS2021 Post-Conference Thank You!

Laine Nooney laine.nooney at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 09:41:15 PDT 2021

Dear SIGCIS Community,

Just sending a brief note of heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone
who was able to drop in to the conference (and to those of you watching the
videos!). Feedback on the event has been tremendously positive, and
extended the sense that we are a thriving, generous international

And to pass on an important announcement: given the unprecedented success
of this event--including the geographic and disciplinary range of
individuals able to participate, as a fundraising vehicle, and the
sincerely felt intellectual camaraderie--the SIGCIS Meetings team is making
it our recommendation that our conference move to an online format every
other year. We still believe in the fundamental value of meeting in person,
but we also want to offer a routine way of convening that is financially
and geographically accessible to the whole community. If you have thoughts
on this, feel free to send them to me, or to our Exec Co-Chairs, Melanie
Swalwell and Andy Russell.

Obviously this conference is more than the sum of its parts, but each of
you who participated, shared generously, engaged sincerely, and held space
for one another, are part of the equation that made this conference such a
success. Thank you.


-Laine, Stephanie, Xiaochang, and Morgan

Laine Nooney <http://www.lainenooney.com/>

Assistant Professor |  MCC <http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/mcc/> @ NYU
<http://www.nyu.edu/>  | she/they

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