[SIGCIS-Members] Yet another book

Christine Finn christine.finn at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 11:35:32 PDT 2021

Congratulations to you, too!

Best wishes,

On Fri, 1 Oct 2021 at 19:23, Subramanian, Ramesh Prof. <
Ramesh.Subramanian at quinnipiac.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> It is always nice to follow on ginats' footsteps! I just wanted to mention
> that the book *"Mobile Technology and Social Transformations
> <https://www.routledge.com/Mobile-Technology-and-Social-Transformations-Access-to-Knowledge-in-Global/Felsberger-Subramanian/p/book/9780367545246> - Access
> to Knowledge in Global Contexts" *co-edited by me and Stefanie Felsberger
> (PhD candidate in Women's Studies, Cambridge Univ), has been published
> recently by Routledge (UK), under the "Rethinking Development" banner.
> The book investigates the ways in which the mobile telephone has
> transformed societies around the world, bringing both opportunities and
> challenges. At a time when knowledge and truth are increasingly contested,
> the book asks how mobile technology has changed the ways in which people
> create, disseminate, and access knowledge.
> While this is not a computing-history book per se, it does trace the
> historical use of mobile telephony in more recent times, especially in
> recent social transformations. I think that it will be an interesting and
> easy read for the SIGCIS community.
> Best Regards,
> -Ramesh
> * “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to
> understand the exponential function.”- Prof. Albert Allen Bartlett *
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> ​Ramesh Subramanian, Ph.D.
> ​Gabriel Ferrucci Professor of Information Systems
> ​Quinnipiac University
> ​Hamden, CT 06511, USA
> ​Email: ramesh.subramanian at qu.edu
> ​Web: https://www.qu.edu/faculty-and-staff/ramesh-subramanian
> ​&
> ​Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School
> ​New Haven, CT 06511, USA
> Email: ramesh.subramanian at yale.edu
> Web: https://www.law.yale.edu/ramesh-subramanian
> Recent book: *Mobile Technology and Social Transformations
> <https://www.routledge.com/Mobile-Technology-and-Social-Transformations-Access-to-Knowledge-in-Global/Felsberger-Subramanian/p/book/9780367545246>*,
> Routledge, UK (2021)
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