[SIGCIS-Members] Fwd: [CDCinfo] a question for computer historians regarding Netscape

Chuck House housec1839 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 12:10:02 PST 2021

I'd kinda forgotten that factoid.  The VC who committed suicide wasn't just a friend, it was Glenn Mueller who had funded Clark to do Silicon Graphics, and made a bazillion dollars in the process.  But Mueller et al had cut deals as SGI grew,  that Clark felt minimized his own fortune from SGI, and when it came time to seek investors, Clark pointedly told Mueller to go pound sand, and he gave the deal to John Doerr at Kleiner-Perkins as I recall the story.    Glenn, deeply despondent about this (and some other things), shot himself while cruising on his ship in Baja California.  I didn't realize it was the same day--I thought there was a week or two lagtime

Chuck House 
www.innovascapesinstitute.com <http://www.innovascapesinstitute.com> 
www.anywhereanytime.io/covid19 <http://www.anywhereanytime.io/covid19> 


On 1/14/21, 11:44 AM, "Members on behalf of Brian E Carpenter" <members-bounces at lists.sigcis.org on behalf of brian.e.carpenter at gmail.com> wrote:

    I don't think there was a celebration. According to "Netscape Time", page 76, on that same day (which was just after the famous Clark/Andreesen visit to Champaign-Urbana), Clark got the news that a friend and business partner had committed suicide. So not a time for celebration. Founding an empty company was just a routine administrative act anyway. They didn't really start hiring staff and doing work until May.
       Brian Carpenter
    On 14-Jan-21 22:44, Jan Müggenburg wrote:
    > Dear everyone,
    > here’s an interesting question concerning the history of Netscape from my dear colleague Andreas Bernard. How did Andreessen and Clark (and probably Perkins?) celebrate the foundation of Mosaic Communications Corporation on April 4th 1994? Can someone help?
    > ---jan
    > Prof. Dr. Jan Müggenburg
    > Assistant Professor for Media History and History of Science
    > Leuphana University of Lueneburg
    > Institute for Culture and Aesthetics of Digital Media
    > Universitätsallee 1, C5.324
    > Fon: 0049 4131 6771647
    > 21335 Lueneburg
    > E-Mail: jan.mueggenburg at leuphana.de <mailto:jan.mueggenburg at leuphana.de>
    >> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
    >> *Von: *"Andreas Bernard" <CDCinfo at leuphana.de <mailto:CDCinfo at leuphana.de>>
    >> *Betreff: **[CDCinfo] a question for computer historians*
    >> *Datum: *14. Januar 2021 um 10:34:56 MEZ
    >> *Antwort an: *"Andreas Bernard" <bernard at leuphana.de <mailto:bernard at leuphana.de>>
    >> Dear all,
    >> I have a little question concerning a certain day in recent computer history. Has anybody done some research or does anybody know a source about April 4 1994, the day Andreessen and Clark founded Netscape? I would need some precise information on the circumstances of that day: when and where did they release the foundation, how did they celebrate it, what did they do in the evening of April 4 (e.g. a festive dinner, a big party)?
    >> It would be so great if somebody among us knew a source? I have researched the Net for hours and all I found was only some very general articles about the foundation, without any specific information.
    >> Thank you so much for your help.
    >> Best regards, Andreas
    >> Prof. Dr. Andreas Bernard
    >> Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
    >> Centre for Digital Cultures
    >> Am Sande 5
    >> 21335 Lüneburg
    >> Tel.: 04131 2192622
    >> cdc.leuphana.com <http://cdc.leuphana.com>
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