[SIGCIS-Members] Why there is no sales record for 1

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Wed Sep 23 12:03:21 PDT 2020

> You might think that that last question is easy: a computer carries 
> out a computation, unlike a loom, music box, or automaton, but just 
> this week I was corresponding with a computer scientist who believes 
> that a mechanical musical box is carrying out a computation.
A well-known Enigma dealer wanted me to write that this machine is the 
(ahem) "first laptop" because it's small, battery-powered, and easily 
portable. But I was not convinced that it executes a program.

> I think we’ve got through 15 years or so of this list without having 
> the “first computer” argument and I’d like to keep that streak going.

Thank you.

Anyway I'm pretty sure that Michael Dell invented...  ;)

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