[SIGCIS-Members] Computer sales records

Allan Olley allan.olley at utoronto.ca
Tue Sep 22 16:30:22 PDT 2020

 	At the risk of getting lost in the weeds of "what is a computer", 
there is probably a case to be made that the Card Programmed Calculator 
as the first computer to have more than 100 sales/installations/rentals 
(and more than 10).
 	A quick check of IBM archives tells me it had 20 installations in 
1949 when it was inaugrated and 700 by the mid-50s. However there were at 
least two versions of the CPC and it is arguably a calculator and not a 
 	It was programmable enough that things such as an arrangement to 
make it handle floating point were widely shared, on the other hand I get 
the sense some plugging was involved and it and limited programming 
flexibility. Someone who actually knows the nitty gritty of control for it 
and cares about a strict definition of what is or isn't a computer would 
probably be better qualified then me to judge the case.
 	The sales numbers are clear the "computer" part very unclear.

Yours Truly,
Allan Olley, PhD


On Tue, 22 Sep 2020, thomas.haigh at gmail.com wrote:

> Hello SIGCIS,
> I’ve been emailing back and forth with Allan and David, and we appear to have
> converged on a sense that a 400 lb roll might plausibly been around 4 feet in
> diameter and that photos of the SSEC show space for rolls of at least 3 feet in
> diameter, maybe as much as 4. So I am inclined to credit the testimony of Grosch as
> being at most a small exaggeration. If you look at one of the classic SSEC images at
> http://www.columbia.edu/cu/computinghistory/ssec.html, the tape rolls are the three
> large round things at the top of the machine on the back wall. Each punch was
> directly above 10 tape readers, and it appears that the tape emerging from the punch
> could be threaded through all 10 readers to create a buffer memory with 10 chances to
> read each piece of data.
> So with that and the hard drive platter taken care of, here is my next batch of
> candidate records. I am trying a “power of 10” approach to computer sales (or in the
> early days, leasing) records with the first machine to hit each milestone. This has
> the advantage that I don’t need to try to figure out exactly with of the many
> estimates of CBM 64 and iPhone 6 sales are accurate, just satisfy myself that they
> were the first to exceed the threshold.
> Installed base in excess of…
> first achieved by…
> during sales years.
>                             10
> IBM 701
> 1952-1954
>                           100
> Probably IBM 650
> 1954-1962
>                       1,000
> IBM 650
> 1954-1962
>                     10,000
> IBM 1401
> 1959-1971
>                  100,000
> TRS-80 Model 1
> 1977-1980
>               1,000,000
> CBM VIC 20
> 1981-1985
>            10,000,000
> CBM 64
> 1982-1994
> 100,000,000
> Apple iPhone 6
> 2014-2018
> Points of possible uncertainty:
> 1: was the IBM 650 the first to 100 as well as to 1,000? Seems likely.
> 2: At the time that Commodore claimed the VIC 20 as the first million selling
> computer, claims were also made for the ZX81 as the first computer to sell a million.
> If anyone wants to make a case for Sinclair I will listen.
> 3: In case any Apple fans are about to speak up, re the idea that the TRS-80 was
> first to sell 100K, let me explain my logic preemptively. I am going from a
> combination of this advertisement from Computer World 18 Oct, 1979 celebrating
> 100,000 sold:https://books.google.com.au/books?id=UaKuzwnEiRMC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_
> summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false and these plausible seeming estimates of Apple II
> sales by model(https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/459/over-its-lifetime-how-many-a
> pple-ii-computers-were-sold), which suggest only 65K sales of the original Apple II.
> As Radio Shack must have written the copy somewhat prior to the magazine date, say in
> mid-September it is had to imagine that the Apple II Plus, introduced in June 1979,
> sold 35K in its first three months to make up the difference (actually more than 35K
> sales would be needed, to cover however many of the original model were sold between
> Sept 1979 and its withdrawal in 1981). Apple II sales did not peak until well into
> the 1980s, so although the Apple IIe eventually sold millions I believe the VIC 20
> got to the one million milestone first.
> Best wishes,
> Tom

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