[SIGCIS-Members] Letterman Top 10 list about Pentium bug?

Paul Ivanov pi at berkeley.edu
Sat Aug 15 18:31:31 PDT 2020

Hi Ellen!  

Ellen Spertus, on 2020-08-15 15:42,  wrote:
> Per my original email, there was a 1996 thesis referencing a 1994 internal
> Intel document that Letterman did make a joke during his *monologue*, which
> may have been:
> You know what goes great with those defective Pentium chips?
> Defective Pentium salsa!

I think I made my reply text too long and obscured Don's response
which contained the exact date and exact quote, so I'm including
it again here: 

Don Giller, on 2020-08-15 00:27,  wrote:
> The only mention of the Pentium issue was during his monologue
> on December 15, 1994:
> "You know, you know what you can do if you have any of those
> defective Pentium computer chips? You know what I’m talking
> about? If you have any of those defective Pentium computer
> chips, get yourself some defective Pentium salsa, uhmm! I’m
> telling you, unbelievable! Knock yourself out."

So there you have it,

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Paul Ivanov
https://pirsquared.org | GPG/PGP key id: 0x0F3E28F7 

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