Laine Nooney laine.nooney at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 10:48:31 PDT 2019

Hello SIGCIS membership!

For those who missed the announcement in Andy Russell's prior email about
upcoming SIGCIS events at SHOT Milan: *Con Diaz and I will be hosting a
book raffle at the Friday SIGCIS lunch on October 25th, from 12:30-2pm*.

Traditionally, books for auction/raffle are a mix of donations from MIT
Press and our members. Which means...we want your books! If you've
published anything--be it a monograph, edited collection, whatever--in the
past 5 years or so and have a few copies to spare, please consider donating
to the book auction! Funds from the book auction go directly to travel
grants for our grad students. In other words:

books = money = travel grants = bigger, better sigcis = more books in the

Truly, a virtuous circle. If you've got books to spare, *please drop me an
email*. Its easier for us to prepare if we know what might be in store!


Laine Nooney <http://www.lainenooney.com/>

MCC <http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/mcc/> @ NYU <http://www.nyu.edu/>
Assistant Professor

-Need to make an appt? Click, don't email: https://bit.ly/2GIHuK0
-Probably typed by voice recognition, so please cherish typos
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