[SIGCIS-Members] Fwd: CFP: History of AI 2019 @ Columbia U // Abstracts Due March 18

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Mon Mar 11 09:21:17 PDT 2019

FYI from my Inbox

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Towards a History of Artificial IntelligenceWorkshop at Columbia University

May 24, 2019

*Due date for abstracts: March 18, 2019, 5pm EST.*

No thorough professional history of artificial intelligence and machine
learning from World War II to the present exists, despite the longstanding
importance of the field to intellectual history, the history of science and
technology, and its spectacular and explosive rise in quotidian systems
worldwide in the last decade, for good, for evil—and, well, for–the jury’s
still out. Numerous participant histories, written by former researchers,
provide a rich if largely internalist view of the field’s development.

No one scholar could write such a broad ranging history with authority. We
seek to scaffold one by bringing together a broad community of scholars. In
May 2019, with support from Center for Science and Society at Columbia
University and the Leverhulme Center for the Future of Intelligence (CFI)
at the University of Cambridge, a group of historians will gather to share
their current research and plan a short volume on the major stages of AI’s
development since the Second World War.

While seeking to revisit major narratives centered on the UK and US, we
plan as much as possible to incorporate a global story of AI, which has
often been told predominantly in an Anglo-American framework, and to draw
together a capacious range of methodological approaches, kinds of
histories, and historians.

Each participant will provide a *draft* work in progress–a chapter or paper
from their current research project–for circulation around three weeks
before the first workshop. We will come together at Columbia this spring to
discuss all the papers. The subsequent year, pending funding, we hope for
each participant to return with a shorter, highly accessible, chapter,
connected to their research, for a collectively authored volume.

At the meeting we will first workshop the works in progress together.
Second, we will plan together a collectively authored volume of short
chapters (c. 10pp) providing a legible and brief introduction to the
history of artificial intelligence, ideally to be published by a major
press for a wide audience. Contributions from grad students and early
career researchers are especially welcome, particularly from
underrepresented communities.

We have limited funds for travel and housing for some participants, which
we plan to allocate primarily to early career scholars.

We invite you to apply to join the workshop by filling out this form:
including a title and abstract. Please direct questions to Matt Jones (
mjones at columbia.edu) and/or Jonnie Penn (jnp28 at cam.ac.uk). The hard
deadline is March 18, 2019, at 5pm.

Join a new list serve on the History of AI here:



   Stephanie Dick, History and Sociology of Science and Medicine,

   Matthew L. Jones, History, Columbia; Big Data and Science Studies
   Cluster, Center for Science and Society

   Jonnie Penn, HPS, Cambridge, Harvard Berkman-Klein, and Leverhulme
   Centre for History of the Future of Intelligence

   Aaron Plasek, Columbia

Current Funders:


   Center for Science and Society, Columbia University

   Division of Social Science, Columbia University

   Leibniz Fund

   Leverhulme Centre for History of the Future of Intelligence

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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