[SIGCIS-Members] The Apollo Guidance Computer, NASA, and Silicon Valley

Ceruzzi, Paul CeruzziP at si.edu
Sat Jun 1 15:27:02 PDT 2019

Alex, et al:

There has been so much written about the Apollo Guidance Computer that it is hard to step back and get some perspective. Maybe this older blog post will help. This is relevant to my earlier statement that NASA often was compelled to be behind the leading edge in computer development--which is not always a bad thing, Walter Isaacson notwithstanding.


Apollo Guidance Computer and the First Silicon Chips | National Air and Space Museum<https://airandspace.si.edu/stories/editorial/apollo-guidance-computer-and-first-silicon-chips>
As the Apollo program took form in the early 1960s, NASA engineers always kept the safety of their astronauts at the fore in light of the enormous risks they knew were inherent in the goal of landing on the Moon and returning safely. Wherever possible, they designed backup systems so that if a primary system failed the crew would still have the means to return home safely.

Paul Ceruzzi

(now also emeritus)

"I love the smell of rosin-core solder in the morning."

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