[SIGCIS-Members] Interview for 6th grade history project re: "the first computer"

Hintz, Eric HintzE at si.edu
Thu Feb 21 21:11:59 PST 2019


My buddy emailed and said (paraphrasing): "My son's a 6th grader; he and his classmates are doing research projects.  They have to interview an expert on some topic.  His classmate wants to research 'the first computer.'  Can my son's classmate interview you?"  Being an all-purpose "expert,"  I said yes!

As historians, we tend to reject absolutes, hedge, and use qualifying adjectives like the first "electronic" or "programmable" or "personal" computer.  But this is a 6th grader, so I don't want to confuse him with too many carefully constructed hedges.  So I appeal to the wisdom of this crowd...

Q: How would you approach this 6th grader's legitimate interest in the first computer?  Which computer(s) should I/we focus on?  Best books or other resources (e.g. Ceruzzi's Concise History) to help me and the sixth grader get the facts straight?

Many thanks!
Eric Hintz

Eric S. Hintz, Ph.D.
Historian, Lemelson Center for
   the Study of Invention and Innovation
National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
MRC 604, P. O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
WORK: 202-633-3734
CELL: 610-717-7134
FAX: 202-633-4593
hintze at si.edu<mailto:hintze at si.edu>

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