[SIGCIS-Members] Postdoc opportunity with Wendy Chun at SFU

Thomas Haigh thomas.haigh at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 14:46:18 PDT 2018

Not historical, but certainly STSy and might fit with the interests of some
SIGCIS participants.



Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:


Von: Wendy Chun <whkchun at gmail.com <mailto:whkchun at gmail.com> >

Betreff: Please spread word of this post-doc opportunity

Datum: 17. Juli 2018 um 23:01:03 MESZ


The Digital Democracies Group at Simon Fraser University invites
applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship for a full academic year to work
with Professor Wendy Chun at the SFU School of Communication, starting
September 2018. 


The Digital Democracies Group integrates research in the humanities, social
sciences and data sciences to address questions of equality and social
justice. Current research projects focus on ways to combat the current
proliferation of online "echo chambers" and discriminatory algorithms by
creating alternative data literacies and paradigms for connection: from
applications and methods to transform hostile social media exchanges into
productive dialogs, to critical analyses of fake news and its historical


The successful candidate will be involved in a research project examining
the relationship between networked and physical segregation, as well as ways
to combat this segregation through the development of new networking models.


Candidates must have their Ph.D. in a relevant discipline-within the
humanities, social sciences, or physical sciences-a demonstrated ability to
conduct high-quality research in Natural Language Processing, Data/Network
Science, and/or Media Theory, and strong written and oral communications
skills. They should also have experience working in an interdisciplinary


This fellowship is renewable for up to a total of 3 years; renewals are
based on performance and availability of funding. The fellowship carries an
annual stipend of CA$45,000. 


Candidates should email their CV, a summary of research interests, and the
contact details of two references to Mark Campbell (mark_campbell at sfu.ca
<mailto:mark_campbell at sfu.ca> ). Review of applications will begin on July
25, 2018, and continue until a suitable candidate has been identified.


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