[SIGCIS-Members] history of history of computing courses

Brian L. Stuart blstuart at bellsouth.net
Mon Jan 29 08:52:51 PST 2018

The earliest course I was involved with was done by Saul
Rosen at Purdue somewhere around 1990.  He taught it
as an undergrad topics course, but allowed me to audit
even though I was a grad student.  If I do some digging
I might be able to find some of the notes, but I don't think
I have a syllabus per se.  He used Michael Williams book
as the primary text for the course, but most of the lectures
were driven more by his own perspective.


On Sun, 1/28/18, Chris Leslie <chrisleslienyc at hotmail.com> wrote:

 Dear Colleagues, 
I am working on an article and I would like to learn about
history of computing classes, particularly at the undergraduate
level. Does anyone have details on when and where these
kinds of courses were first offered? Are there any that are
particularly well-known for whatever reason?
If you have a syllabus from a particular course, especially
before 2005, I would greatly appreciate a copy. 

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