[SIGCIS-Members] history of history of computing courses

Paul N. Edwards pedwards at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 29 06:51:43 PST 2018

Dear Chris,

I started teaching my course "History of Computers" in 1994 at Stanford University. I’ve been teaching it more or less continuously since then. When I started, I was unaware of any other such courses in the USA  — though in 1994, very early days of the Web, it was much harder to find out about such things than it is now. I’ll be curious to hear what courses began earlier, if any.

It focused exclusively on events in the UK and the USA. One of the great pleasures of the last 10-15 years has been to see emerging literatures about the rest of the world, and about the role of women in this history.

At the time, I was appointed in both the Computer Science Dept. and the Science, Technology & Society Program. The course was listed in both units - CS 104 and STS 161 (undergraduate).

I don’t think this list allows attachments, so I’ll send you my first syllabus and bibliography separately. (I have all the others over the last 23 years, too.) I’m happy to provide it to anyone else who would like to see it.



On Jan 28, 2018, at 19:11, Chris Leslie <chrisleslienyc at hotmail.com<mailto:chrisleslienyc at hotmail.com>> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I am working on an article and I would like to learn about history of computing classes, particularly at the undergraduate level. Does anyone have details on when and where these kinds of courses were first offered? Are there any that are particularly well-known for whatever reason?

If you have a syllabus from a particular course, especially before 2005, I would greatly appreciate a copy.

On- or off-list replies are welcome.

Chris Leslie
Fulbright Lecturer. South China University of Technology
Chair, IFIP Working Group 9.7: History of Computing (http://ifipwg97.org<http://ifipwg97.org/>)
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Paul N. Edwards
William J. Perry Fellow in International Security
Center for International Security and Cooperation<http://cisac.fsi.stanford.edu/>
Stanford University

Professor of Information<http://www.si.umich.edu/> and History<http://www.lsa.umich.edu/history/>
University of Michigan

m: pedwards at stanford.edu<mailto:pedwards at stanford.edu>
w: pne.people.si.umich.edu<http://pne.people.si.umich.edu>
t: @AVastMachine

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