[SIGCIS-Members] Question From The American Computer & Robotics Museum in Montana

Len Shustek len at shustek.com
Mon Apr 9 10:24:28 PDT 2018


I should have thought of the obvious candidate when we chatted over 
coffee yesterday:
Lynn Conway, who made significant contributions to methods for IC design


At 07:44 AM 4/9/2018, George Keremedjiev wrote:
>Hello to all. My first posting.
>Our museum is opening on June 1st a major exhibit on women in computing.
>Does anyone know of any personal computer hardware women engineers 
>in the 1975-1985 era (+/-) who we should consider including in the 
>exhibit? For example, women members of the Homebrew Club and/or 
>employees at, for example - Apple, HP, Atari, Commodore, Tandy, 
>Intel, TI, IBM, Xerox, etc. - who were hardware engineers and 
>involved in the design of computer hardware components including microchips.
>The key term is hardware.
>Thank you in advance for your consideration and possible help with the above!
>George Keremedjiev
>American Computer & Robotics Museum
>Bozeman, MT
>Sent from my iPhone
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