[SIGCIS-Members] New two-volume book on the history of mathematics and computing

herbert.bruderer at bluewin.ch herbert.bruderer at bluewin.ch
Mon Apr 9 05:15:38 PDT 2018

Dear colleagues

In May my new 1600-page book (in two volumes) on the wordwide history of computing and mathematics  "Meilensteine der Rechentechnik" will be published (de Gruyter Oldenburg, Berlin/Boston).

It covers analog and digital computing and includes historical automata (e.g. androids, musical automata), scientific instruments (astronomy, geodesy, watchmaking) and mechanical looms. It also deals with digitization, artificial intelligence, 4th industrial revolution.

Descriptions in German and in English:

Volume 1

Band 2

Both volumes will be published in German. If I find a sponsor for an English translation there will be an English edition.
If you know suitable translators please let me know.

Many thanks.
Best wishes,
Herbert Bruderer

Bruderer Informatik
Seehaldenstraße 26
Postfach 47
CH-9401 Rorschach
Telefon +41 71 855 77 11

Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)

Das Fachportal für die Geschichtswissenschaften der Schweiz

Koordinierungsstelle für wissenschaftliche Universitätssammlungen in Deutschland

Buchbesprechungen/Reviews (1. Auflage/1st edition)
Herbert Bruderer: Meilensteine der Rechentechnik

Mathematical Association of America (MAA)

Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
deutsch und englisch/in German and in English

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