[SIGCIS-Members] Call for Papers: DRS Track 'Design, Technology and Society' (Deadline: Nov. 6, 2017)

Theodora Vardouli, Prof. theodora.vardouli at mcgill.ca
Wed Sep 20 06:44:22 PDT 2017

Announcing a call for papers for the

DRS (Design Research Society)
Limerick, Ireland, 25th-28th June 2018
Deadline: November 6, 2017

On the theme:
Design, Technology and Society

The Design, Technology and Society track at DRS 2018 focuses on critical perspectives and creative insights into the roles of technological systems and discourses in the design and production of our built environment. As computation, software, simulations, digital fabrication, robotics, ‘big data,’ artificial intelligence, and machine learning configure new imaginaries of designing and making across fields, we seek to approach these subjects critically from enriched socio-material, technical, and historical perspectives —exploring how conceptions of creativity, materiality, and labor have shifted and continue to shift in conjunction with technological change. We seek contributions that reflect on themes including but not exclusive to:

  *   Historical papers examining the roles of university laboratories, government sponsored research, public policies, or technology companies in shaping ideas, systems and practices of design;
  *   Studies of specific computational artifacts, formal languages, algorithms, or software systems which examine their material and cultural histories, and their role in enabling new design practices and discourses;
  *   Ethnographic studies unveiling cultures where technological ideas or methods have shaped conceptual or practical aspects of design;
  *   Research projects addressing design critically from an enriched socio-material perspective accounting for the agencies —both human and non-human— involved in the design, operation of and interaction with computational systems;
  *   Studies reporting on speculative or critical technologies addressing questions about the design process, envisioning alternative modes of design participation or engagement with traditions, materials, and the body, or probing innovative theories and practices of design.


Track Subchairs
Daniel Cardoso Llach, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (dcardoso at cmu.edu<mailto:dcardoso at cmu.edu>);
Terry Knight, MIT, USA (tknight at mit.edu<mailto:tknight at mit.edu>);

Ignacio Farías, Technische Universität München, Germany;
Lilly Irani, UC San Diego, USA;
Theodora Vardouli, McGill University, Canada.

Track Website

Submission Deadline: 6th November 2017

Submission details: See conference website<http://drs2018limerick.org/participation/call-papers>.

Theodora Vardouli
Assistant Professor | School of Architecture | McGill University
815 Sherbrooke Street West, Montréal Québec, Canada H3A 0C2 | 514.398.6709
theodora.vardouli at mcgill.ca<mailto:theodora.vardouli at mcgill.ca> | openarchitectures.com<https://openarchitectures.com/>

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