[SIGCIS-Members] Email "inventor" claimant to run for U.S. Senate -- alternative facts about technology and democracy collide

Julie Cohn cohnconnor at comcast.net
Sun Feb 26 07:17:27 PST 2017

Tangentially related to this discussion, some of you may already be familiar with a new PAC called 314 Action - focused on promoting fact-based policies and the candidacies of individuals coming out of the STEM professions:

http://www.314action.org/home <http://www.314action.org/home>


Julie Cohn, Ph.D.
Research Historian
Center for Public History
University of Houston
315 McElhinney Hall
Houston, TX 77204-3007
cohnconnor at comcast.net

> On Feb 25, 2017, at 4:34 PM, Evan Koblentz <evan at vcfed.org> wrote:
> >> a name that also pops up in connection with Ayyadurai's announcement is Jeff Giesea, a venture capitalist and "executive coach"
> Whoa. I used to work for Jeff. He founded a (real) tech news site called Fierce Markets in 2001. Hired me in 2004; I stayed until 2006. He sold it in 2009. We never talked politics though.
> -------------------------
> Evan Koblentz, director
> Vintage Computer Federation
> A 501(c)3 educational non-profit
> Evan at vcfed.org
> (646) 546-9999
> www.vcfed.org <http://www.vcfed.org/>
> facebook.com/vcfederation <http://facebook.com/vcfederation>
> twitter.com/vcfederation <http://twitter.com/vcfederation>_______________________________________________
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