[SIGCIS-Members] Computer History Museum Event: Computing in Your Pocket

Sara Baechler sbaechler at computerhistory.org
Thu Feb 16 09:34:12 PST 2017


We are very excited about a great event we have coming up soon, Computing in Your Pocket: The Prehistory of the iPhone in Silicon Valley. We wanted to spread the word and were hoping it might be of interest to your group.  The event will take place at the Computer History Museum and feature a panel including Steve Capps, Donna Dubinsky, Marc Porat, and Jerry Kaplan and will be moderated by John Markoff.  For more information and to register for the event please see our event webpage here<http://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#computing-your-pocket>. It should be a wonderful night. If you have any questions or concerns Please let me know.

Sara Baechler
Program Coordinator, Exponential Center<http://www.computerhistory.org/exponential/>
Computer History Museum<http://www.computerhistory.org/>

1401 N. Shoreline Blvd  |  Mountain View, CA  94043
650.810.1882 direct   |   650.810.1010 main

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