[SIGCIS-Members] searching for networks built on top of specific undersea cables

Lori Emerson lori.emerson at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 16:03:58 PDT 2016

Dear all, I'm at a bit of an impasse in my research and I wonder if any of
you might have tips or advice for me. What I'm trying to do is see whether
I can restructure my book project so that it looks at the life of, say, one
to three undersea cables and then looks at different networks that were
built on top of these cables. Right now my focus is on Canada, just because
that's where I've made the most progress in my research, and I've narrowed
my search down to three cables: CANTAT-1, CANTAT-2, and TAT-6.

My question for all of you is whether you have any tips about how I can
find out other networks that existed on these lines? Is it a matter of
delving into who owned the lines and then taking trips to their corporate
archives? Or is there a more direct, less expensive solution?

I gather Bell Canada has historical archives in Montreal, or at least they
did several years ago, but I'm surprised to find there is no website or
obvious contact information for Bell's archivist...

My sincere thanks!

Lori Emerson
Associate Professor | Director, Media Archaeology Lab
Department of English and Intermedia Arts, Writing, and Performance
University of Colorado at Boulder
Hellems 101, 226 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0226
loriemerson.net | mediaarchaeologylab.com
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