[SIGCIS-Members] Oy! Another crazy computer history claim

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Fri Oct 16 13:37:05 PDT 2015

> Evan, you just need to understand geography a little better:
> http://www.mappingthenation.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/Rumsey-Steinberg-New-Yorker-1976.jpg

Nice ... I'm from NJ so I am all too familiar with that attitude.

People attend my organization's annual Vintage Computer East from four 
continents. When I tell New Yorkers about the event, they say, "Jersey? 
Oh, nevermind." As if I'd said we are in < your favorite far-off place 
goes here >.

World Maker Faire is in Queens. Told me cousin to bring her husband 
because he's an engineer and would love it. They live in Brooklyn. She 
said it's too much hassle.

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