[SIGCIS-Members] Planning for SHOT meeting in Singapore, June 26-29, 2016

Lee Vinsel lee.vinsel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 07:40:18 PDT 2015

I agree with Marie. I had a great time at my first SIGCIS, and I felt lucky
to be there, especially for Nathan's moving opening talk.

Thanks for having me.


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 9:56 AM, M. Hicks <mhicks1 at iit.edu> wrote:

> Thank you, Andy, for organizing such a terrific workshop--I agree
> wholeheartedly that this year's SIGCIS meeting was full of excellent papers
> and it was great to see so many new faces along with the old familiar ones.
> Best,
> Marie
> ______________________
> Marie Hicks, Ph.D.
> Asst. Professor, History of Technology
> Illinois Institute of Technology
> Chicago, IL USA
> mariehicks.net | mhicks1 at iit.edu | @histoftech
> On Oct 12, 2015, at 8:40 PM, Andrew Russell <arussell at stevens.edu> wrote:
> Colleagues -
> It was nice to see so many of you for the SHOT and SIGCIS meetings this
> past weekend in Albuquerque.  From my point of view things went
> extraordinarily well, and I don’t have words to express how happy I am
> about the quality of scholarship and spirit of camaraderie that I felt
> throughout the weekend.  I think we all owe Nathan Ensmenger a special
> thanks for such a fantastic keynote presentation on computing’s
>  environmental history - throughout the day people were calling it
> powerful, moving, transformative, etc.
> Also on Sunday, we celebrated the achievements of our colleagues,
> including:
> - the ten young scholars who were awarded travel grants from MIT Press,
> the Computer History Museum, and the Mahoney Fund.
> - Rebecca Slayton, winner of the 2015 CHM Prize for her book * Arguments
> that Count*
> - David Nofre, Mark Priestley, and Gerard Alberts, winners of the
> inaugural Mahoney Prize for their article “When Technology Became Language”
> - Sarah McLennan, winner of SHOT’s 2015 Robinson Prize for her paper
> “Computing and the Color Line,” presented in a session organized jointly by
> SIGCIS and EDITH, thanks to Marie Hicks and Ruth Cowan.
> The main purpose of this message is to reinforce and amplify my call on
> Sunday morning for proposals for SHOT in Singapore in June 2016. SHOT will
> issuing its call for papers very soon, with a deadline in late 2015.  In
> anticipation, please be thinking about participating in one of the
> following ways:
> 1. Put forth an *Open Panel Proposal* for the main SHOT meeting. SHOT
> will place a special emphasis on “open panel” topics that SHOT will
> circulate widely as it publicizes the CFP.
> 2. Organize a *Complete Panel Submission* of 3 or 4 papers for the main
> SHOT meeting.  Please feel free to use the list or to contact me (or anyone
> on the SIGCIS Exec) if you want to float ideas and/or find extra panelists.
> 3. Submit a paper or panel for the *SIGCIS 2016 Workshop* that will be
> held, as usual, at the end of the SHOT conference in Singapore on Sunday,
> June 26.  We expect to issue the CFP for the SIGCIS Workshop well after the
> SHOT CFP is issued; watch this space in mid-November or early December for
> details.
> As you contemplate your participation in the Singapore meeting, please
> keep 2 additional things in mind:
> 1. This is a terrific opportunity to forge new bonds with colleagues
> working on computing and information-related history and STS topics in
>  Asia and the Pacific.  To that end, if you have contacts there who have
> not been active in SIGCIS or SHOT, please do encourage them to join the
> SIGCIS list and to reach out to me if they want to join or help organize a
> session.
> 2. If you are in North America or Europe, try not to be too put off by the
> expense of the trip - particularly if you are in the early stages of your
> career.  SHOT and SIGCIS have been raising funds for this conference for
> some time, and the generosity of our communities has been nothing short of
> inspiring.  Travel support will be available!
> In summary: SHOT and SIGCIS 2015 were fantastic; it’s now up to us to make
> SHOT and SIGCIS 2016 even better.  Please get in touch with me (or the
> list) if you have questions, suggestions, etc. about making the most of our
> opportunities at the Singapore meeting!
> Cheers,
> Andy Russell
> SIGCIS Chair
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> This email is relayed from members at sigcis.org, the email discussion
> list of SHOT SIGCIS. Opinions expressed here are those of the member
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Assistant Professor
Program on Science and Technology Studies
College of Arts and Letters
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ 07030
Twitter: @STS_News
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