[SIGCIS-Members] History of mobile computing book -- almost done

Evan Koblentz evan at snarc.net
Thu Jun 11 00:38:34 PDT 2015


I am self-publishing my book about the evolution of mobile/portable 
computers. Too impatient for the traditional route...

A digital version (simple PDF) will be available this Friday night. A 
"real" Kindle version and a print edition, via Amazon print-on-demand, 
will follow in the next few weeks.

It's a short book about a big story. Mobile/portable computing has roots 
before the common era, in medieval times, during World War II, and all 
through recent history.

I focused on historical stories, many of which weren't previously told, 
to explain how we got from then to now. It's not a technical book, 
reference guide, or coffee-table book.

The plain PDF edition is just $8. Kindle will cost a little more, and 
obviously the print edition will cost more still.

I made a little web site to go along with it. That's also where people 
can order the PDF version. It is http://www.abacustosmartphone.com.

If you're curious, then please err on the side of checking it out 
because I need the money. :)

Feedback is very welcome. Please keep in mind that I wrote this for 
general readers, not historians.

thank you,
- Evan

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