[SIGCIS-Members] ENIAC history

Paul N. Edwards pne at umich.edu
Fri Jan 16 14:24:20 PST 2015


Aberdeen also had a Vannever Bush-type differential analyzer, churning out one ballistics table about every 30 days.

On Jan 16, 2015, at 16:59 , Ceruzzi, Paul <CeruzziP at si.edu> wrote:

> So it is not just an “ENIAC in a box”; it is “The Aberdeen Proving Ground in a box.” Recall that in addition to the ENIAC, Aberdeen also had IBM punched card equipment,  including some custom-designed by Wallace Eckert (the IBM PSRC), a Bell Labs Model V relay computer, teams of human (mostly women) computers, and Lord knows what else.


Paul N. Edwards
Professor of Information and History, University of Michigan 
A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming (MIT Press, 2010)

Terse replies are deliberate (and better than nothing)

University of Michigan School of Information
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