[SIGCIS-Members] Touting an aggregation of things Knuthian

Dave Walden dave.walden.family at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 04:30:24 PST 2015


The current "tears of" discussion reminds me that I may not 
previously have noted the list of collected links to interviews of Knuth:
(If I have before, please forgive this repeat message.)  If you spot 
a broken link or know of an interview not in this list, please let me know.

Not yet on the above list (it will be added) is Edgar Daylight's 
second 100-page interview of Knuth:  _Algorithmic Barriers Falling: 
P=NP?_.  This booklet (available from Amazon, etc.) has a little more 
on Knuth's view of computing historiography (pages 9-18).  There will 
be a review of this interview booklet in the journal (_TUGboat_) of 
the TeX Users Group (TUG); I'll announce the URL when the review is available.

The above mentioned list of links to interviews of Knuth is part of 
the larger TUG website of journalistic interviews of people involved 
with the development or use of TeX:
Because of his two long interviews of Knuth and his use of LaTeX in 
the publication of the Lonely Scholar series of books, we recently 
interviewed Edgar Daylight, a participant in this list:

Getting further afield, there is a good bit of history about the TeX 
technology in the on-line archive of TUG's journal:
There is at least one book (never completely finished but still 
fascinating lecture notes from a college course) on the computer 
science in TeX and LaTeX:

Best regards, Dave
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