[SIGCIS-Members] Building an analog for class?/Thanks to list for prior help

William McMillan wmcmillan at emich.edu
Wed May 14 10:46:47 PDT 2014

Andy et al., please pardon the (family) vanity, but I can't resist
providing a link to my father's 1954 article on a special-purpose analog

*http://tinyurl.com/k2kvv4m <http://tinyurl.com/k2kvv4m>*

Though I don't imagine that many of the students would be primarily
interested in "...electron diffraction patterns and computing the
corresponding crystal lattice spacings."


On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Andrew Meade McGee <amm5ae at virginia.edu>wrote:

> Dear List Folks,
> First, a thanks and update. Last fall I e-mailed this list seeking input
> on course design for a four week computer history class and received many
> wonderful, instructive answers. Shortly after writing I was sidelined with
> some unexpected kidney surgeries and never got to respond with thanks. I'm
> all healed up now and am glad to report that the class is in progress and
> makes use of many group members' suggestions. It's going smashingly well.
> Which leads to another call for guidance: some of my students have
> expressed interest in building an analog computer for their final project,
> and have approached me because they can't find instructions on how to do
> it. I've scoured the web, and while I have access to plenty of 50s- and
> 60s-era textbooks on principles of analog computing, I can't seem t find a
> simple wiring schema/set of blueprints suitable for humanities undergrads
> with limited workshop experience.
> Have any of you ever had students build a simple analog computer? Any
> suggestions on guidance or instructions or templates I might provide the
> eager but inexperienced students?
> Thank you,
> Andrew
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