[SIGCIS-Members] Fellowship opportunity at Manchester

M. Hicks mhicks1 at iit.edu
Thu Dec 26 04:01:55 PST 2013

Passed along from James Sumner--deadline soon. See below.



Marie Hicks, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor, History of Technology
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL USA
mariehicks.net | mhicks1 at iit.edu | @histoftech
> Cheers
> James
> +++++
> SIGCIS list members may be interested in this opportunity for a three-year research fellowship, given that the Library Special Collections referred to now include the UK National Archive for the History of Computing holdings (details at http://www.chstm.manchester.ac.uk/research/nahc/contents/). 
> I'm not involved with managing this call or with the selection process, but would be happy to advise if anyone has questions about the Archive. 
> Please note the imminent deadline of Monday 13 January for preliminary applications. 
> All best
> James
> The John Rylands Research Institute is pleased to announce that it intends to sponsor two Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships beginning in 2014. Potential applicants are invited to submit preliminary applications by Monday 13 January 2014. Projects must demonstrate a strong connection to the University of Manchester Library’s Special Collections (see below). Interested candidates should contact the John Rylands Research Institute administrator, Silke Schaeper (silke.schaeper at manchester.ac.uk) as soon as possible. The Institute’s director, Professor Peter E. Pormann, and grant writer, Dr Stevie Spiegl, as well as the curatorial staff of the Library may assist the candidate in formulating a viable research proposal that is based on a detailed study of items in the Special Collections.
> Preliminary applications must be submitted to the SALC Research Support Manager via email (jonathan.starbrook at manchester.ac.uk) as a single PDF file.
> We require (i) a one-page CV, and (ii) details of the proposal, including:
> Project title
> 100-word abstract.
> Brief statement explaining how the project links to the Library’s Special Collections.
> Project description (max. 2 sides of A4).
> To quote the Leverhulme guidelines about the project description:
> “This should include aims, objectives, methodology and outcome (e.g. publication plans). It should enable the Committee and your referees to form an estimate of the scope and importance of your proposal. The methodology should be clear and explicit, comprehensible to a non-expert. Include any bibliographic references in full, including page numbers where relevant. This statement and the bibliographic references may not exceed two sides of A4. Please add your name at the top of the first page.”
> The John Rylands Research Institute aims to uncover, explore, unravel and reveal hidden ideas and knowledge contained within our world-leading Special Collections. We are creating an international community of scholars and researchers across many disciplines, to support research               and to bring this information to the wider public in exciting and innovative ways.
> Our Special Collections have huge research potential across a wide range of disciplines. Manuscripts span 4,000 years and over fifty languages, from Gilgamesh to Gaskell. There are hundreds of archives, with particular strengths in modern literature, nonconformity, and British economic, social and political history. Rare books range from the peaks of European printing, such as Gutenberg and Caxton, and one of the world’s great collections of early Italian printing, to examples of street literature and counter-cultures. There are also collections of art and visual culture, including tens of thousands of photographs which date from the inception of photography to contemporary photographic books. In addition, we hold the largest collections of maps in the North West which offer an extensive range of topographic and thematic mapping for               the UK, as well as wide-ranging coverage for the rest of the world.
> More information about the Special Collections and the John Rylands Research Institute can be found here: http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/jrri/.
> Note: The John Rylands Research Institute will sponsor up to a maximum of two applications.
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