[SIGCIS-Members] John Sculley interview and transcript - now at CHM!

Dag Spicer spicer at computerhistory.org
Sat Feb 18 07:40:11 PST 2012

Dear SIGCIS Friends,

I'm delighted to report that the Computer History Museum has acquired a recent interview with ex-Apple CEO John Sculley.

(You may have seen a recent post from Jeffrey Stein about it).

The recorded audio interview is now in the Museum's permanent collection as is a full transcript made available to CHM by The Mac Observer.

The audio interview, in two parts, is here: http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/accession/102706059 [mp3]

The transcript, also in two parts, is here: http://www.computerhistory.org/collections/accession/500003269  [pdf]

These are permanent URLs.

We thank historian David Greelish for this remarkable interview and hope you will find it of interest.

Warm regards,

Dag Spicer |  Senior Curator |  Computer History Museum
Editorial Board  |  Annals of the History of Computing
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. |  Mountain View CA  94043
Tel: +1 650 810 1035    |  Fax: +1 650 810 1055

Revolution:  The First 2000 Years of Computing
Visit in person or online!  http://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/

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