[SIGCIS-Members] NCR bank check sorter

David Hemmendinger hemmendd at union.edu
Thu Dec 13 17:54:44 PST 2012

	There's a photo of the machine keypad at
http://dave-beentheredonethat.blogspot.com/2010/02/spot-difference.html ,
where it's identified as an NCR Proof Machine, for recording and sorting
cancelled checks.  Http://chrishegter.co.za/interfaceexamples.html ,
has a photo that shows the sorting bins, and calls it an NCR Waste Proof
System ("waste" = cancelled check?).
	Http://www.cbcbank.com.au/images/branches/nsw/ho/Ops%20Centre.htm has
two photos in its "Proof" section.  One, labeled NCR 450, has a newer-
looking machine in the foreground and yours in the background.	The other,
however, shows a machine like yours and calls it a Burroughs 2000.
	None of these pages gives dates.
shows a "Class 2000" proof machine, introduced in 1921, which looks
simpler than yours.  It says that in the late 1950s such machines were
coupled to paper tape punches to produce computer input, and also shows
a more modern-looking electronic version from 1956.
	And yet another page,
http://www.flickriver.com/photos/chrisglass/443510254/ , has a photo
of the keypad and a fragment of a sorting bin, calling it a 1961 NCR
proof machine.
	I hope that this is of some use!

   David Hemmendinger                           hemmendd at union.edu
   Professor Emeritus            http://athena.union.edu/~hemmendd
   Computer Science Dept.                          +1 518 346 4489
   Union College, Schenectady, NY 12308       FAX: +1 518 388 6789

  On Dec 11, 2012, at 7:03 AM, Pierre Mounier wrote:

> Dear friends & colleagues,
> Working on the history of computing in French banks leads me to
> discover a wealth of fossile machines, hidden in banks' backyards
> and cellars. Could anyone help me identifying this heavyweigtht,
> which looks like an NCR bank check sorter ?
> The card on the machine is unreadable -- and anyway I would not trust it...
> Thanks!
> Pierre

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